Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mr. Aashiq (Persy aur Gaba)

सुबह सुबह जब, वो ऑफिस आती
कहती क्या हीरो क्या हाल है ?
बाबू कहते ओ रंगीली
वही चमड़ी वही खाल  है !

ऐसी  बातों से वो झेंप सी जाती
तीखी नजरों से फिर मुझे चिढ़ाती !
मेंढको सी चाल तुम्हारी
बॉडी के कंकाल तुम्हारी?

रँगीले की सफाई तो देखो
सर पे हाथ फिराई तो देखो !
जिम जाना है जंजाल
ज़ीरो फ़िगर का फैशन है यार
इसलिए मेरी बॉडी नहीं है ! है कंकाल

 सुबह सुबह हीरो क्यू बनते हो
अरे विवेक ओबेराय कौन सा मंजन घिसते हो?
चलो दिल नहीं दाँत पसंद आया
हमने इसे विक्कों वज्रदंती से चमकाया

ऑफिस की गलियारों मे बड़े शान से चलते हो
बाते करते फोन पर दिन भर
क्या कॉल सेंटर चलाते हो ?

फोन तो बहाना है
चिड़िया मुझे फसाना है !

ओह! तो इसलिए अंग्रेजी झाड़ते रहते हो

बालकनी खड़े हो मुझे ताड़ते रहते हो ?
जिन जिन को काम नहीं है
वो मुझे ताड़ते रहते है!
और मैं उन्हे ताड़ता रहता  हूँ !!

आगे कहते!! ये नैन सुख है
कुछ उनका, कुछ हमारा सुख है
ऐसे ही हम आँखों से बाते करते है
नारी की सुंदरता की !!
हम  बड़ी प्रशंशा करते है!!

Dedicated to our freind Prashant (Persy) ...he's not zac efron but nothing less !!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Dil Mera

रोकने पर न रुकता, फुदकता
चहकता,मचलता,इठल्ता दिल मेरा !

ख़्वाबों  की दुनिया में
दिल्लगी मे दिल लगाता दिल मेरा !

गाता-गुनगुनाता, सुनता-सुनाता
मोहब्बतों की कहानियाँ, दिल मेरा !

बातों ही बातों मे,
बहकता बहकाता दिल मेरा !

आँख लड़ता, आँख चुराता
छुपता छुपाता दिल मेरा !

पर्दा जिससे कर रहा था
उन्ही से टकराता दिल मेरा !

शर्माता घबराता डरता,
धड़कता धड़काता दिल मेरा !

यादों की परछाइयाँ डराती उसे जब
तड़पता, मुसकुराता,महकता दिल मेरा !

टूटे दिलों को मुसकुराता देख
कभी नमी में भींगता दिल मेरा !

धरती को चूमते पत्तों को देख
टूटता गिरता, हौसला बढ़ाता दिल मेरा !

शौंक जला देता परवाने को
इतना समझने की मोहल्लत किसे?

चिंगारियों सा चमकता
सुलगता सुलगाता दिल मेरा !

जलता-जलाता, जुगनुओं सा जगमगाता
और दिलों से इश्क़ लड़ाता दिल मेरा !

Saturday, September 14, 2013


इस शहर मे मैं जितना बदनाम होता गया
उतना ही शहर मे मेरा नाम होता गया !

इलज़ाम लगाने वालों का पता नहीं
मैं अपनी चाल और भी शाहाना होता गया !

जमीन में सुलाने वालों को इल्म नहीं 
मिट्टीसे ही पैदा हुआ हूँ मैं
दर्द देने वालों खबर क्या
जहर उगलने वालों, मैं
जहरीली हवाओं में और भी मदहोश होता गया !

मेरी खबर लेने वालों को खबर नहीं ,
खबर बनाने वालों को खबर नहीं,
मेरा आशिक उनकी खबर रखता गया !

मेरा ज़िक्र हुआ करता था मेरी महफ़िलों में
अब तो जिक्र और फिक्र दोनों ही है
सभी की महफ़िलों में
मेरा कसूर इतना था,
की मैंने इश्क़ किया था अपने खुदा से
अब जब वो आ मिला था
जिस्म हमसफर सा था और उससे हमनावई न रही
मैं तो उसकी मस्ती में मस्ताना होता गया !

अब मेरी इज्ज़त का ख़याल उसे रेहता है
मेरा इश्क़ न कम हुआ है न होगा
मौसम बदले तो बदले मेरा सुरूर न कम होगा
मैं तो उसके इश्क़ में सच्चा आशिक़ होता गया !!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


हाए! हैलो! एवसम बड्डी  , 
लेपर्ड, लायन, किल्लर, फोकसी ! 
ये इनके अंदाज़ हुये !
फिरंगी पानी, अतरंगी कपड़े,
ये इनके अंदाज़ नए !
कानों में ठुसे ध्वनी यंत्र को
डील डोल से चलते है !

नाक में छल्ले, काम में बाली
आधे शाही , आधे मावली
बॉब मारले के बच्चे है !! 
रात में पहने काले चश्में
ढोलकिया से दिखते है 

यो ! यो ! इनकी भाषा 
खुदकों ड्यूड ये कहते है !!

ना करते नुकसान किसी का
केवल ग्रास में जीते है
नाटी बीड़ी, चरस और गाँजा
इनको वीड ये कहते है !

टुथ ब्लैक, बूट ब्लैक
टेटु ब्लैक, सूट ब्लैक
नेल्स ब्लैक, स्मेलस ब्लैक 
दिल में कोई गुबार नहीं 
ईन्नोसेंट से जीते है !!
Today's generation is different which hold philosophy of past understanding of present and a dream of Future.**Dedicated to all dopers and music lovers!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mrityunjaya मृत्युंजय لازوال

कवि  निर्मोही होता है ,कवि निरंजन होता है
प्रकृति की नयनो मे काला अंजान होता है
न आकांक्षी  होता है, न अभिलाषी होता है
सरल जीवन को मुकुट कर गौरान्वित होता है !

चमक आरसी सी ,विचारों का आँगन होता है
विवादों के बादलों से न वो डरता है, न झिझकता है
नीले गगन में,  जैसे आज़ाद परिंदा होता है
कवि निःसंग होत है ,कवि अंतरंग होता है  !

जीवन के हर पहलू  को ,  ताने बाने सा बुनता वो
बुरे भी और अच्छे भी,पल पल का संचयन करता वो
तटस्थ हो इति, अंत और अनंत का सृजनकर्ता है
कवि कृति कार होता है, कवि निर्माता होता है !

समाज रूपी इस बगिया में कांटे भी और फूल भी
माली बन सबको एक सा चुनता है!
काव्यांजलि का प्रारूप दे उसे,इत्र सा हमपर छिड़कता है!
कवि गंधी होता है, धर्म का संगी होता है !

न पहुंचे जहां सूर्य की किरणें,उस थल पर जाता है
दिवा रात्रि को दिव्यता देता ,अंधकार मिटाता है 
नभ का देदीप्यमान ध्रुव तारा  होता है
कवि अचल भी और अनिकेतन होता है !

समय समय पर ,ऋतंभरा को धर्म ज्ञान से भरता वो 
सभी प्रकार के रसों से उसे सुसज्जित करता वो 
करता है वो काव्य की रचना , और कवि कहलाता है!
कवि मनुस्मृति सा अनुस्मारक होता है !

कौन है जो इस धरा पर मृत्यु को झुटलता है ?
जीवन को जीवटता देता, प्रेरक होता है !
न हो पंच भूतों में फिर भी !
कागज़ के टुकड़ों मे ही ,
और नहीं तो मुख से ही,  स्फुरित होता है
याद दिलाता सबको अपनी, हृदय सा स्पंदित होता है
कवि अनश्वर होता है ,कवि मृत्युंजय होता है!

Dedicated to all writers, poets, noble men and history makers.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Bus Stop

मिस्टर आशिक़ को आजकल
बड़ी हड़बड़ी होती है ,
सजते धजते, आयरन करते
टाई लगाके सेंट छिड़कते,
लैपटाप का बैग लटका
सिग्नल को फुर्ती से चलते!
हमने पूछा ! क्यूँ  भाई
सुबह ऑफिस जाने में आजकल
तुम्हारी बड़ी दिलचस्पी है !!

कहते यार उसकी एक झलक
पाने की ये सारी तैयारी है !
जब वो सामने से आती है,
मंद मंद मुसकाती है
हवाओं में एक ,
महकता सुरूर छोड़ जाती है!
हाय ! आजकल  ऑफिस जाने में
इक अलग लगन लग जाती है !!

वो अपनी आँखों से कहती,
हम उनकी आँखों को पढ़ते,
सुबह सुबह स्टैंड में, खड़े हो
बे बात लड़ाई करते रहते!
हमे थोड़ा-उन्हे थोड़ा , शायद !
ये नोंक झोंक भा जाती है !!
हाय ....

वो कहती -
क्या ताड़ते रहते मुझको?
असल बात न कहते मुझको ?
इतने में काली घटा छा जाती है,
और बारिश हो जाती है!
हिन्दी  फिल्मों की क्लाइमैक्स वाली सिचुएशन हो जाती है !
कुदरत की यह अनोखी अदा, हमें बड़ी रास आती है !!!

वो आधी भीगी,आधे भीगे हम
ऐसे में उनकी छत्री फस जाती
और गुस्से से, वो झुँझला जाती है!
भीगे बाल और उनका गुस्सा
चेहरे पे चार चाँद लागतें है!!
हाय ......

 ठीक उसी पल, भगदड़ सी मच जाती है
बस आ गयी, ये बात हमें समझ आती है
अगले दिन मिलने तमन्ना लेकर
वो चुपके से बस में चढ़ जाती है!!
हाय .......

दोनों अपनी बस पकड़ते
अपने अपने  काम पे चलते
कैसी है ??
इक पल में प्यास बुझती है,
इक पल में प्यास जगाती है!
हाय ! आजकल ऑफिस जाने में
इक अलग लगन लग जाती है !!!
Pic: by OP
Dedication to my friends , foes and every being having fun in every day traveling...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Madhoshi मदहोशी

जी करता है , मैं मदहोश ही रहूँ
तू याद बहुत आती है , होश आने के बाद !

क्या फलसफ़ा है , क्या माज़रा है,
शायद समझना नहीं चाहता ये दिल, तुझमे डूब जाने के बाद!
जी करता है ......

दिन तिल सा रातें पल की, के किस नशे मे हूँ ,
अब आने लगा है मज़ा ,खुद को भूल जाने के बाद!
जी करता है ......

ना जन्नत की चाहत , न जहन्नुम का डर
 अब पा ली  है जन्नत मैंने  , मयखाने मे आने के बाद!
जी करता है ......

उनसे अब इतना ही इत्फ़ाक रह गया है
वो बेहोशी मे याद करती है, मैं होश आने के बाद!
जी करता है ...... 

pic courtesy:

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

गुज़रा ज़माना گزرا ہوا زمانہ

भोर होते मुर्गी का बांग लगाना
अम्मा का फूँक-फूँक कर चूल्हा सुलगाना,
और उसके धुंवे मे से आती भिनि महक
सुबह की चाय के साथ पी जाना
बड़ा याद आता है वो गुज़रा ज़माना !

गलियारे से वो भैंसों के झुंड का आना
मुरारी की हज़ामत का रुक जाना
पंडित जी का धोती सम्हालना
हर एक चाय की फरमाइश में
अम्मा का ताऊ पे गुस्साना
बड़ा याद आता है वो गुज़रा ज़माना!

खेतों की मेड़ों पर दौड़ लगाना
स्कूल न जाकर, खेतों में छुप जाना
दलदल में फसकर ,कोई बचाओ चिल्लाना
हाथ मिले तो ,उन्हे गिराना !
बड़ा याद आता है वो गुज़रा ज़माना !

बौर के आते ही बगीचे पार डेरा लगाना
आम अमरूद जामुन और संतरे चुराना
चुरा के खाने कुछ और मजा है !
ऐसा कह यूं चुटकी लगाना! और
पकड़े गए तो दोस्तों का मुझे बचाना
बड़ा याद आता है वो गुज़रा ज़माना !

भरी दोपहरी बीहड़ मे घूमना,
थककर पेड़ की छाँव में सो जाना 
दरिया पार करने पर, एक आम की शर्त लगाना
हर गलती मे एक फरलांग दौड़ लगाना
बड़ा याद आता है वो गुज़रा ज़माना !!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Log-2 लोग لوگ

अनजानों  सी बातें होती है आजकल
सीने से लगा ,क्यूँ अपना बनाते है लोग !

कभी लिखे थे मोहब्बत के पयां  जिनमे,
कोरा कागज समझ ,अरमानों को 
क्यूँ  आग लगाते है लोग !

हाथ थामते साथ चलते, मंज़िल दिखाते,
आधे सफ़र में, क्यूँ छोड़ जाते है लोग !

डूबती ज़िंदगी को साहिल देने वाल,
मझधार में क्यूँ छोड़ जाते है लोग !

भुलाए नहीं भुलाते जो रिश्ते,
रिश्ते ऐसे  क्यूँ  बनाते  है लोग !

अभी तो सपनों की ताबीर टूटी नही,
सपने ही सही मेरे ,
हकीक़त में सपने तोड़ जाते है लोग !

वजह क्या होती हम सोचते ही रहे ,
सफाई हमारी तो कुछ सुनते लोग!

हम  ही क्यूँ  तड़पते  और जलते  !
तकलीफ मे मेरी तो सुलगते वो !!

दिल की चोटें बस हम ही क्यूँ  भाता ,
दर्द जुदाई का काश उन्हे भी सताता !
जैसे तोड़ा मेरा  दिल !
उनका भी दिल जरा टूट  जाता,
अज़ीज़ कोई उनका उन्हे छोड़ जाता !!

मेरी दिल की लगी को दिल्लगी समझे,
काश मेरी तकल्लुफ़ का अंदाज़ा तो लगाते लोग  !!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Pshyco's Diary

                     Summer 1990 a charity run for disabled children’s. We shared a bottle of water and then we met quite often. Shared and toasted many evenings.An attaboy always looking for fun and frolic outdoor adventures.To me first he seemed a Phsyco, mysterious and blah blah so many things went in my mind. You’ll discover why I say so.

In the real he is a thinker, he is mature young man with an acute mind and good record. You'll seldom find a psycho with a good record. Think of persona with two faces. Each face lying to another. May be this is his  psychic or mental state or he is sick.

But within him there are many stories in his conscious and subconscious. Every day his struggle to come out of it, when he wakes up.He doesn't remember anyone. He doesn't know anybody other than himself. Many times he didn’t recognize me. When I went up to meet him. First I thought it’s a dyslexia. But it’s not! He makes friends on demand and they pass by after some time.

Think of a super human who is living since the evolution of mankind and has reformed himself. Changed places roaming all over the world knows more than a dozen of languages, even those which are extinct. Saw weather change more than a weather tracking device can keep track of. Witnessed the age of mammoth and saber tooth.

He has made himself cultured from a leather pant to the best of the formals. Once wore green and brown to camouflage to wear the brightest of colors.Saw Renaissance and revolution. Who knows the myths of mythology and "illuminati". He who has seen many kingship and kinship. Fall and rise of many empires. The Aryans the Normans and the Saxons.

He is wiser than the wisest, as he witnessed many dusk and dawn. He often talks to himself, as expert advice is required. He is obnoxious you can't predict him he is sometime very outspoken and sometimes he hardly speaks. Sometimes he asks many questions and sometime he is his own oracle.

In reality nobody likes him, he says there is no god. Many people around him sees him as a vicious person.

He lives in his own world seems to be a maniac. He gets many relevant, irrelevant dreams and seldom he sleeps. Thoughts like threads of different world always running like a program in his mind. And he loves to be there. To him it's like its a rejuvenation process, it's his haven. Kiddish isn’t it!

He has got virtual girlfriends, yes girlfriends!! And "not one", many!!. When one doesn't come, some other comes and he have good time UN-interrupted. To him relationships are than a contract.

He is the creator and destroyer of the virtual world. He is so powerful within that he can alter each event going inside. He follows the perfectionism in every event and sequence. He creates the colors, he creates earth, heaven, sky and all creatures.

When he is in his world. He has many different powers. He has power like a superhuman. He never dies like phantom. He can do anything.He is a most creative singer, composer, writer director and many more.He have skills to kill anyone in the blink of an eye.
Really I thought it’s nothing but, he always wanted to do but never gotten a chance and he passed his half of the life.In this way he is highly bipolar in nature. The way he describes, sometimes it seems all real.
He plays video games and direct his story when he is asleep. He makes his own "Gauntanamo Bay" and his own "kremlin". He watches movies and he is GIJOE of the day, when he watches underworld he have his own character half Lycan and half vampire. Can you imagine standing in front of mirror will this canine will grow more or not hehehe :) may be joke to others but it's really a serious matter to him.

When he watches transformers he tries to search motobots in his laptop. When he watches con air he feels, behaves as he’s a jar head.As I told he has many girlfriends so has own version of "500 Days of Summer","August rush" and "twilight". Sometimes I found him in sector 9 and sector 21. 

He's a philanthropist, he's a virtual socialite.He does nothing but, he is a multimillionaire nothing less than "warren buffet" or a Batman lolz!. He has created the American history and has encroached every inch of the world.
All these may seem nothing less than a film fanatic isn't it? But it's not so. Believe me or not!! He’s within us. He’s around us. He’s among us. Lost in a crowd. Watching from somewhere corner of the street. May be someday you’ll discover him!!.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

मेरी रहने दे, आज कुछ अपनी सुना Life -2

मेरी रहने दे, आज कुछ अपनी सुना!!

हसने की आदत रही है सदियों से
किस्मत तू आज मायूस क्यों खड़ी है
आज ज़रा,  मेरा दिल और दुखा !!

किसी की निगाहों से पी थी
शराब ऐसी की उतरती नहीं
बहोत दिन हुए, ज़िन्दगी
कुछ गम ए शब् तो पिला !!

मुक्कद्दर  की क्या कहूँ  बहोत ऊँचा उठा हूँ
मेरे तबियत की तलब कहती रही
एक बार,  आज मुझको फिर गीरा !!

मदमस्त थे अपनी कहकहों में
परस्त थे आस्तीन के दोस्तों में
बात बात पर लड़ने वाला,
कोई  दोस्त तो दिला !!

हुआ मश्हूर हमारा नाम
शहर में होकर बदनाम
चंद चमकते कपडे शराफ़त के
पहनकर,कोई शरीफ़ कहाँ होगा
रिंधों की दुआ शायद, दे मुझे शरीफ बना !!

देने वाले दिया करते थे नसीहत बेबाक
इल्म  न था उस जहाँ का
अब जीने के लिए, कोई तो दे मशवरा !!

एक रात हुई थी चोरी मेरे अरमानो की
आज महफ़िल है  मौका भी और सामान भी
ओ फ़रिश्ते!  चुराना ही है तो मेरी जान चुरा !!

खानाबदोश हो दर दर भटके
माय्खार को  कोई तो जगह दे
हर सांस अब कहती है ये,
 कोई तो दे आराम दिला !!

मेरे गुरूर का सुरूर अभी उतरा है
मेरे दोस्त! ये शाम अब कैसे गुजरे
रूह तलबगार हुई है ! आज रूहानी पैमाने की
कोई तो दे मुझे आज  पिला !!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Raggedy Misfits.

To Joe it's as fresh as a freshman. He got his new bunch of rags working with, obviously they have their own degree of raggedness. He got along just because they were kinda rag heheh :)

Joe still remembers his Oath for the band of misfits-Read it.

"The oath of friendship that you once took as a bunch of raggedy misfits still holds true, and your best buddies are the ones who will stand by your side through hell and high water"

Joe: In his memories, he was always passionate about the pack.
Those high colors and best days are never gonna come. They say "there's always time to have coffee with a friend". Nowadays it's becoming a joke. He sighs!!

Joe thinks "Today your best Life is W-ithout l-IFE".
So far Joe has a new band. In memory of the old band and to rejoice again, Joe thought to have a party somewhere, not Dutch one. Giggles.

The Joe and buddies went to Manchester United. It wasn't the season, but they always play best of the season. All are fans of MU with a love for RM and CFC.

As the band approached they were felicitated by a bar lady-Jaye.
Jaye:very generously,sir do you have a reservation?
Joe: Nope!!
The young rag Flint: she's good.
Jaye: sir this table is for you!! Smiles.
Joe: So cute, so generous.. And beautiful.. As always! To my eyes.

Joe and buddies didn't like placement, as it was the front of the house. So he asked buddies, shall we change the place.

Joe: looking for a place, approached her! Do you have another table?
Jaye: yes sir! Point's to a tall bar tables. This table is buddies table

Joe: turning head to every corner!! I need a top place from where he can scan the area. WAR plan hahaha, Ahaa!! He got it!!

Flint: I want to sit here.
RB: Y! I knew that, always looking for a shit giggles
Flint: what did you just said.
RB: nothing ...
Flint : no no no you just said that
RB: innocently , What!
Duke: guys don't fight. He just said you like chicks!!

Flint: Looks around. No crowd, where is my Jaye? (Thought).
Flint: Looking to Jaye, hmm she's not bad.

As soon we settled.
Bartender: May I take orders for you.
RB: wait! In a ragged way :) we are deciding. Is it offense to come early!!
Bartender: with smile absolutely not sir.

Duke and Flint : ordered Jack Daniels and Johnny walker with cornian. RB like's cornian a lot.
RB:ordered chocolate vodkatini -choclate boy.
Joe:one willa wanko -jug bug.
They are not guzzlers but who don't like a good thing.

"They Clinked" and All Head Turned
RB: When we came, the bar was almost empty. Now see!
Flint: we the band of misfits, to cheer us they have come!! YO!
Duke: Laughing!! Duke talks less but he's good.

As we started, it started raining!! You got it. I mean it hahaha.

Bartender: susurrate to Jaye "Guys Liked you!"
Jaye: smiled back. Give them a distinction.

Buddies started racing over the jars...
Flint: today, i am fish.
RB: I know it's a Dutch courage.
Joe: yeah man Last time he didn't like the Freddy (pint of Heineken)
RB: ofcourse we are here to sail you back dude!!
Flint: trying every bit to locate Jaye oh MUSHY BOY! ...Alas! He couldn't.

For Duke it was nothing he already got one and she was disturbing his drink every half-an hour. Duke don't mind it!! Heheh. I can see the face "it's irritating". Sometimes I think it's good not to have one and just chill!! Apparently I could understand. Once you have one, you have to give her time. As only weekends are free.

RB: got so many looks. His radar was on scanning through.
Joe: suddenly, "you bitch I saw you". Ogling RB and team.

Joe: with his tequila busy starring the big screen, kind of reminiscing old band and hangouts.

Joe: can you increase the volume. (To the bartender)
Background: 80's rock..
Bar tender: yeah! Sir

Flint: was bit cautious carefully locating Jaye. Actually he was trying to concentrate on drink simultaneously. But couldn't.

Duke: I am a soldier, I'll suggest. (To Flint).
Flint: yeah! Sure
Duke : two JD on the rocks. (He ordered over the counter)
RB: was enjoying the evening telling stories, having JW and scanning. He pinched Joe are you looking for the straight one.
Joe: which one (out of his mind)
RB: the lady who waved 32-26-36..
Joe : unahhhaa! Donno. She was RB's plot. So better I shouldn't.

A bunch enters what a ggggguuuuuurrrrrrrllllll,
Joe: pinching RB. Yours! Man.

Now RB tries to locate! What Joe's after all.... Watching every single scan of Joe.

Joe: was just looking to the Brenda sitting next to him. Brenda on shorts , SEXY isn't she!! Most beautiful in the bar that moment. A bit discouraging to flint, but yeah he's happy with Jaye.

Joe thought she's married seeing her Ring, but who cares!!
Joe was enticing her and he got the response the good one.
Music was on high, she started murmuring the song.
Joe: I think her kind song came "Whenever -shakira".

Joe noticed, DJ has joined the bar, he started playing his tracks. And she liked it. Joey cheered drink to her. She cheered holding her Mocktail!!
RB: Barclays, glass of beer, cornian perfect !!
Joe: Music, glass of wine and Pinch of salt heheheh . Joe smiled.
RB: yeah! None the less. But you are insane.

Joe looks to every single desk. A bunch of stags with weird faces. Watching every movement of ladies as a wolf. A family with a beer fountain and a kid playing with it."mama I want this". Cute!!

A couple-handsome guy weird lady, looking to other guys.. Especially RB.I think she's jealous! Hahaha :).
A young bunch sat across"just joined" -Not regulars. Joe liked one girl pretty one and A group with high hill ladies and studs and the smoking team.

Flint looking across another couple are they here to mug up the menu. Turning around over to a couple, how this pretty lady come into the trap.
RB: yeah! Man. What's wrong with us.
Joe and RB : now he's getting! Hahahah high5
Joe: it needs talent. A real Talent!

Joe: the manger seems to be the most modest of all these.
Flint: why she is here. I'll train her and bring her into my team. She is so deserving.
Flint: after some booze there she comes. My Jaye!
RB: where ?(Joking)
Flint: don't you see, pointing towards Jaye.
RB: hmm...smileys

Flint and Duke were totally engrossed. One after another after another.
Duke: I want to drink the Flame. Lil high.
Flint: I'll eat the flame then.

They ordered. Monk flamed chicken and B52 (beluah,bailey and contreu).
As the night grows so the crowd again. Lots of faces very cute faces, lovely faces. Where faces come from? Nay!! Not from the downtown!!
Joe: now I think Drink really works!!
RB: there she comes.. Pointing to a muaaah Girl.

When the Flame game started whole bar was tuned to US!!
Really! It was awesome to be watched hehee. Then they followed.

RB: Everybody Following us..
Joe: "that's why we are band"!!

Jaye: Approaching Flint. Do you want anything else, sir.
Flint: mushy boy smiling. Thanks  loved everything...right now nothing. (Blushed...).

Time passed by so quickly, after all it's Bar Time. Only Flint was satisfied. RB ans joe didn't get there
Brenda. Both thinking next time is search of better beer and people "band will back".   It was a fantastic evening with the buddies. As everyone was done. We checked out.

That night:"The buddy's table was not turned ". Dedicated to band of misfits.

Duke moved as fast as he can. Junkies still had the whole night to spend. So they moved to a lakeside near by Flint's place. It was a real cool place to hang out.

The lakeside:
People seldom come here and it's night.complete pin drop silence. They can hear the sound of air blowing through water grass.
You can expect some loafers, dopers and a watchman.
Flint: This is a better place to hang out instead of a bar.
Joe and RB: yeah very true.
Flint: I come almost every day.

The conversation started with telling and collecting past stories of old flames- they really got burnt till midnight. And the weekend was over.....

Pic Source:

Friday, April 5, 2013

Life जीवन زندگی

हर शक्श ऐसा ही क्यूँ करता है ?
जो आसाँ है वो नहीं,
वो नामुम्किन के पीछे पड़ता है !

जो करना है वो नहीं ,
बेवजह इस जहाँ के तक्क्लुफ़ में पड़ता है !

छोटी छोटी चाहतों के लिए जूझता  है 
अपना आशियाँ ढूंढते ढूंढते इस जहाँ से लड़ता है !

नहीं मालूम के कब उसे मुक्कम्मल जहाँ हासिल होगा 
कब हर पल हर शाम हर मौसम उसकी तासीर की होगी !

ज़िन्दगी भर साँसे खोता रहता है 
मरने  पर चंद लम्हों के लिए रोता है !

मुहाफ़िज़ भी क्या बचा पाए 
आखिर तो,दो  ग़ज जमीं और लम्बी नींद दस्तेयाब होती  है !

Theme: In Search of Motive of Life- Experience's!!
Pic Source :jestomaniac's blog

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Beer bash

The Scene:
It was another evening the Desi guy and his colleagues decided to have beer-bash some evening. The hippie said Y some evening let’s go tomorrow!!
Three of them the hippie, the desi guy and the bong started discussion where to head?? .
Then desi guy said y we three let’s call up the entire beer boy's and the manager called "Khiladi Bhaiya". Why he's called khiladi is another story!!

The Meeting:
Everybody was called upon to Bong's desk and we started googling bars and there rating. Everyone came with their own idea and said they are going to join next evening.

Bong with “The Biere Club”,
Desi came with “The Metro”,
Freshman came with “Serengetti”,
Khiladi came with the “Firangi-pani” and
The TL came up with “Saahib Singh Sultaan”!!
To hippie anything was fine, as he wanted to catch a beer and it felt like another mundane meeting  :( nothing came out of it as usual!!! Clapping.
When everybody left meeting there only two options
 "The Metro" or "The Biere Club".

Then finally the bong pinched and said guy's lets sail on the tasted water I liked the Biere Bar! So we decided to meet upon by six.

The Biere Club Meet:

Hippie is always excited, don't know why? He seems always HIGH as such he is taking opium as regular dose! And he was expecting just 2 folks, becaz he knew
Most of the time people ditch the party!! Hmm true :)

So he was sharp @ 6 and nobody was there! He decides to roam around the UB City- the Mall .As he enters UB city found gals but his mind was distracted by the “Loius vuitton”. He went and closely "watched the watch". I could see the admiring eyes of his!! :). Then subtle response why the fuck!! LV is so expensive. He turned around his mind was disgusted with all kinda thoughts inflation expenses and so on. He came out blubbering something…….. And Desi Called rang--rang rang--rang!

Desi: I am just around where are you.
Hippie: am coming, catcha in 5...and he called bong... where the fuck you are?

Bong: In frustrated voice "Damn I stuck in traffic". You guys carry on I'll catcha in 5.
We Indians are so optimistic! That every problem takes 5 minutes. God says - Indians must be crazy!

Hippie found Desi was waiting across the street .He approached and
Desi: "Yaar mujhe Lagi hai".

Hippie thought it’s just a prep before the Ceremony so they went inside
Hippie: where is the loo?? (To the bar-guy)
Bar-guy: smiled and upstairs sir!!
Hippie: I need a table for four.
Bar-Guy: Am sorry sir! We are reserved today.

And the Bong enters. He cheerfully shook, but when he gotta know we didn't got a table! The reaction was obvious FUCK!!!
Bong with his cell and again started googling!! And he said lets head to HARD-ROCK -CAFE (HRC). Hippie smiled as his favorite place is voted!! Then took a rickshaw and went.

The HRC:
As soon they entered and hopped in the couch. As usual the hippie turns around to locate the beauty. Ah! He didn't got he started looking the chinks any ways "He loves them" as he's more like a chink!

They ordered heineken with a jumbo-combo. Meanwhile the bong started tasting the music, he started nodding and said I liked this place at-least the ambience and the music.

Soon the drink started on them … As they are bewitched by the beauties. They were almost are in center.

At the left corner there a group Firangs.  A group behind the bong was a Tanker group and besides hippie, to be precise diagonally at the left a beautiful woman she was awesome but no Signals. Alas!!
It was not much interesting so they started looking at the Mixology , the music and there encounters and stories...hippie seemed less interested but still he was talking ... As usual he went in his own world!

As weekend night is surmounting so the crowd!!
Gangs entered - a gang of gals and a mixed gang..... N then came two groups of Lesby's and couple of guys bunch of old fags, firang guys and some firang families.

All three of them were enjoying the bar the food, the drink .And the crowd were awesome so many things to locate at the same time. By this time they had finished a round.

Desi started looking over a girl with shorts- cross legged!! . Bong was busy with chicken and the hippie was keen in observing and watching.

Hippie spotted one awesome girl, so pretty, so simply awesome. Sitting diagonally at the right hand. As he started gazing her with his mysterious eyes, she started playing-off her hair, flaunting with a pint of wine. Hippie was happy about the signal!!
Then he started looking around just to make sure that the conversation lasts with her!!

The old fags just sitting off their head having jumbo jars of beer, giving weird look as such they are saying:
"You fuckin kids get-up from the fuckin desk we are the Legacy"

By this time the whole pub was crowded. The mixologists were surrounded by the crowd yelling and asking for drinks.

One of the Lesbo couple which the hippie assumed was actually not a Lesbo they were waiting for two mid aged- folks. Two of these lady's were holding scotch and a vodka since they came, gazing at every single face as they are open! And others looking there arse..
WOW! Commented by Bong.
Desi: They have wasted so much on beauty parlor.
So hippie concluded this group to be corporate bash.

Now again the hippie came over to his lady he saw she was watching him and she knew he's ... Soon their ordered came she started having her Sandwich.
And hippie is thinking
 "What nice face!
From where she came?
You are so awesome baby!! If you wouldn’t resist I would like to give you a kiss".
Soon he reminded himself "No lusts, make love” and there’s no offense in admiring gods given beauty.

At the same time other Lesby group starting rolling over with music shaking hitting each other, Bong commented they are good ...hahahah

And the desi not able to finish his first bottle, He quoted Angrezi hai..."mujhe to desi chadhti hai , aisa lag raha hai mai Kadwi Chai pee raha Hu" and the bong is gaga over the french potatoes and the mayors.

Now a loud, a real loud girl came and everybody turned around to see her- The Fox. The Bong: now my kinda girl came ...woohooo!

Hippie in his own world watching over… hippie's lady was about to finish her sandwich, hippie commented she is feeling content as the job is finished…
Followed by the glass of again both engaged each other

Hippie: From where you got such an innocent beauty?
The Lady: you just admire it, I am for a look and mere touch can spoil me.

In the background music is playing "Wake up -Angels Deserve to die"
Hippie: I don't know about others but this angel must not die...looking at her smiling. She smiled back. For a subtle time he thought giving this in writing it to her...but the HRC celebration stopped him.

IT was NINE all lights are turned ON. The bar guys went up to the podium and the dance started with a music YMCA...
The Crowd welcomed and cheered them with whistle claps, taps and shakes...
Desi was overwhelmed by this ACT… he got cheered and thought of talking to the cross legged lady!!  Heheh :). The lady was busy with her Kamera taking pics.
Hippie: In light she was looking so bright so young so awesome ---mmmuaaah!
Cuteness with cunning mind or beauty with brains?? -Feeling of hippie!  Hippie was spellbound.
As he saw,  she was too enjoying the music hippie started is hippie-ness, nodding shaking, shouting..
Reaction: The Lady looked him first with a smile and then squeezed eyes, saying aye! Didn’t like that...HEHEH poor chap

By this time bong was totally high ...enjoying music having chicken and the chick. The FOX actually heheh :) .

Desi with his second bottle, watching the cross legged lady who was friend of hippie's lady... Both were engaged, and hippie knew that. So he didn't disturbed and though bong and he were done with boozing. Hippie insisted to have some more drinks. It was fourth round the game was on and clock clicked to 10:00
It was to time to leave, as everybody has to drive some miles and a fear of Bengaluru Traffic police. Especially when you donno kannada (Local Lang).

Hippie was thinking of staying but, can't.
Hippie: Gazed... Constantly looking at her saying this is not last time.. I'll be back soon.
The Lady: gazed in her subtle way she saying today's drama has ended.
Giving each other a goodbye!!

Again!! Desi: "Mujhe lag rahi yaar" and the party is OVER... :) :) :)